Facial Reflexology
The health benefits of reflexology with anti-ageing skin conditioning
Therapy Details
In addition to the health benefits of classic reflexology - tension and anxiety relief, relaxation, boosting circulation, improving sleep and pain relief, facial reflexology is taking the world by storm for its beauty benefits: - slows down the ageing process, helping to achieve younger looking skin - improves facial skin and muscle tone - relaxes facial and eye muscles In addition to this, this therapy offers particular success in alleviating eye strain, relief from nervous disorders, improves sinus congestion, helps with pre-menstrual water retention and corrects liver and gall bladder imbalances.
Cancellation Policy
We try to avoid the necessity to take deposit payments for appointment bookings - your assistance in timely cancellation (if absolutely necessary) is helpful in achieving this. Late cancellations are problematic for any small business so your help in minimising them is appreciated. COVID-19: It goes without saying that if you have tested positive for Coronavirus or are displaying any of the symptoms (new, continuous cough, a high temperature and/or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste or you have been in contact with anyone in the last ten days who has tested positive for Coronavirus, then PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND YOUR APPOINTMENT. Call us immediately and we'll rearrange at an appropriate date in the future.
Contact Details
07598 098365